- Is China a Market Economy? 中国是市场经济吗?
- Macro adjustment is needed in a market economy. 市场经济需要宏观调控。
- Is China A Reliable Stakeholder in Central Asia? 中国是中亚可靠的参与者吗?
- Is China a Real Big Country of World Heritage? 中国真的是世界遗产大国吗?
- Is China a Decentralized Country? 中国是分权制国家吗?
- We can develop a market economy under socialism. 社会主义也可以搞市场经济。
- EARLIER this year Ukraine became a market economy. 今年早些时候,乌克兰成为市场经济国家。
- A market economy also needs macro-control. 市场经济也需要宏观调控。
- The concept of a market economy is no longer rejected by people. 市场经济已不再受人们的排拒。
- In a market economy, planning guidance is indispensable. 在市场经济中,指导性计划必不可少。
- Poland's crash program toward capitalism and a market economy went into full force yesterday and prices for many items were immediately increased. 波兰迈向资本主义和市场经济的速成计划昨天开始全部生效,很多物品价格立刻上升。
- A market economy creates some lopsided payoffs to participants. 市场经济给参与者不成比例的回报。
- Jamaica is pleased to have ADS status and has recognized China as a market Economy. 牙买加为获得中国公民旅游目的地国的身份而感到自豪。同时,牙买加也承认中国的市场经济地位。
- The desire for larger families has been considerably blunted by China's transition in recent years to a market economy. 对大家庭的向往已经被中国近些年的市场经济转型大大削弱了。
- China's Commerce Minister Chen Deming stressed China does have a market economy. 中国商业部部长陈德铭强调中国确有市场经济。
- How close is China to a labor market? 中国劳动力市场转型与发育?
- Recessions are a healthy and an integral part of a market economy. 衰退是市场经济的一个健康和不可缺少的一部分。
- Is China really a big market for automobile? 中国真是一个汽车大市场吗?
- "Today's China is a market economy and pluralist society, It needs balance, not one-sided. 被称为“唱衰派”的易宪容,劝老百姓暂时不要买房。
- As early as 1978 China abandoned its walled-in policy and started a market economy. 早在1978年中国就放弃了其贸易壁垒政策,实行了市场经济。